Executive Addiction and Exceptional Rehabilitation

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One thing is for sure about addiction, it does not discriminate against anyone. Individuals of all cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds all have the potential of falling victim to addiction, alcoholism, or substance use disorder (SUD). Stressful or traumatic situations and factors can affect the likelihood of developing an addiction. 

Although drug and alcohol addiction affects people of all different economic, occupational, and educational backgrounds, individuals in executive or leadership roles have the potential to be at a greater risk of suffering from addiction. For many of these individuals, choosing an executive drug and alcohol treatment program with The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center provides a high-quality treatment that empowers our clients to discover sobriety, learn how to maintain sobriety, and allow all this while keeping up with their professional responsibilities and commitments.

Why Choose Executive Programs

The primary reason an executive program may be better for executive-level professionals is that, in many instances, people have to choose between work responsibilities and addiction treatment. This is an exceptionally critical decision for individuals who are business owners, entrepreneurs, and c-suite employees. 

Executive drug and alcohol treatment programs allow such professionals to stay connected to their careers while simultaneously receiving treatment for their addictions. For some, work may be a part of the problem; but, for many, being able to maintain their career is more conducive to their individual and professional productivity. Being forced to walk away from their positions threatens their career and the business modalities of the company.

Another benefit of participating in an executive program is being able to stay connected to their career during their time in treatment and prevent lapses post-treatment. The backlash that can come from losing a career or endangering a business can be very triggering especially to someone newly in recovery. Individuals should not have to worry about choosing between their careers and finding treatment. An executive treatment program at Ohanna will offer you the support, flexibility, and individualized treatment plan to be able to focus on both, allowing you to focus on the essential task of recovery and continue supporting your career.

The Ohana’s Executive Program

At The Ohana Addiction Treatment center, we prioritize providing top-tier treatment to everyone, including our c-suite clients. We also prioritize making the environment conducive for our clients. We believe the environment is an invaluable part of recovery. This is why the location of our addiction center is key. By providing beautiful scenarios, beachside views, and an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and luxurious, we create a space that is conducive to work-life and recovery. Just because there is a lot of work to be done to achieve recovery does not mean one should not get to enjoy the little piece of paradise we provide at our facility.

The key difference between traditional and executive treatment programs is that executive programs offer a number of services and resources that may not be available in a more traditional facility. For starters, there is access to computers and technologies needed for individuals to continue focusing on their careers. 

Executive programs also encompass the essence of an individualized treatment program. Traditional facilities may focus more on the 12-step program or more common modalities of treatment. That is not to say those traditional practices do not work, but they perpetuate the idea that one kind of treatment fits all and that is simply not the case. Our executive program will provide individuals with a more individualized and holistic plan of treatment that can benefit their treatment and career.

Our Executive Treatment

Our trained professionals have the capable skills to offer individuals several clinically competent treatments in conjunction with our more holistic and adventure-focused methods of treatment. There are many benefits of incorporating medical and holistic approaches into customized treatments. 

While clinical and therapeutic methods focus on treating the psychological side of addiction, holistic treatments focus on the importance of mundane tasks such as prioritizing proper sleep, diet, and learning effective ways of coping with emotionally and mentally distressing situations. We practice these holistic approaches by incorporating yoga, mindfulness, and adventure therapy into our programs while using evidence-based treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy and nature-based therapy.

If an individual is at the pique of their career but is also in dire need of addiction treatment and recovery, they no longer have to choose between the two. An executive treatment program may be the best option in this case. Learning to live a life free from addiction comes with trials and tribulations, so why not learn with a little comfort and leisure? The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center will provide individuals with the treatment to recover and the amenities necessary to do it with finesse — let us help on this adventure of recovery.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes

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