The Ohana, We’re More Than a Facility, We’re Family for Life

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Treatment facilities that treat mental health or substance use disorders do their best to help their clients during the addiction treatment program. Upon leaving treatment, you will begin the transition back into your everyday life. Unfortunately, that will come with challenges. 

There are a lot of factors that can be conducive to successful recoveries, such as changing the environment and the people you surround yourself with and implementing techniques that you learned in treatment. However, implementing these changes successfully and getting acclimated with your life after treatment takes a level of support in itself.

As you’re reading this, are you finding yourself in this very spot? One foot outside the door of your facility but partially wishing you had more time to stay? It’s common to be fearful and unsure about how you’re going to maintain your recovery now that you’ve completed your treatment program. However, with the right tools, determination, and a solid support system, you can handle the transition. 

The first thing you need to remember is that you’re not alone. Almost everyone experiences some growing pains when transitioning back into everyday life from treatment. Secondly, it’s important for you to feel supported by your treatment facility especially early on in recovery. At The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center, it’s our goal for clients to leave the facility with as much support as they need throughout recovery. We pride ourselves on making our clients feel like they’re not just entering into a facility, but entering into a family. You may leave The Ohana physically, but you have an ohana supporting you for life.

The Importance of Professional Post-Treatment Support

It should initially be emphasized how tremendous of an accomplishment completing an addiction treatment program is. Whether it’s going through detox, learning to cope with root traumas, or learning to rely on other people for support, nearly every aspect of the treatment process requires immense strength and courage. This strength and courage are needed from the day you decide to enter treatment through to the day you leave to embark on your newfound life of recovery. 

With that being said, it’s essential to have a plan in place for professional support post-treatment. That may require you to research local support groups in your area before leaving the facility, or require that you find a new place to live as a way of freeing yourself from an environment harmful to your sobriety. However, another important part of your recovery is implementing a plan for further professional support post-treatment.

These plans are essential for your post-treatment regime because sobriety is a lifelong endeavor. Many decide to continue a form of individual therapy, especially when they’re new to recovery. This will help you to further practice how to healthily cope with stress or triggers that might lead to relapse. Some may find comfort and benefits from a 12-Step program or alternative kinds of support groups in general. 

Another crucial step is ensuring you’re surrounding yourself with people who are good for your recovery, whether that includes family and friends, loved ones, or individuals from your support network. This will not only keep you accountable but allow you to help be a pillar of support in someone else’s recovery too. All these steps are crucial to successful recovery, but individuals should feel the continued support of their addiction recovery facility as well.

How The Ohana Provides Continuous Support

As mentioned, at The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center, we make it a priority to offer continued support to our clients long after they’ve physically left the facility. “The Ohana” means family, embodying the essence of what we strive to achieve — a healthy and happy community of individuals on the way to living a life free of active addiction. 

One of the reasons we emphasize the importance of this family is the fact that addiction is an isolating disorder, making connection indispensable when seeking recovery. It’s through nurturing an environment of loyalty, trust, and commitment between our staff and clients that make the idea of family possible at The Ohana.

We continue to support clients after leaving the facility by checking in with them, discussing struggles that they face in their recovery, and providing supplemental support through helping them locate therapists or other local resources to aid sobriety. This is all in addition to access to their patient portal where they can receive further support. 

It’s also encouraging that connections are made between clients during treatment, helping them broaden their sober community vastly. If you or someone you love is having difficulties getting their footing early on in recovery, do not hesitate to reach out to local resources, your treatment facility, or The Ohana. Needing support throughout recovery is normal and essential for maintaining your sobriety.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes

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