Hawaiian Teachings and Healing from Addiction

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One of the reasons Pu’uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park is on our list of adventures to embark on at The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center is because of its history. Hawaiians have gone to the spot looking for new meanings in their lives for years. Pu’uhonua embodies what it means for our clients to come to The Ohana as a place of refuge and healing from their addiction.

While the land that surrounds us is beautiful, to say the least, there is much to be learned from its history and culture as well. Many Hawaiian cultural concepts and practices can be implemented into your recovery process. These practices will help you to find balance, peace, and learn how to be mindful in all areas of your life in addition to long-term recovery.

Hawaiian Teachings on Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an essential part of the recovery process. No matter what for of treatment you choose, making amends can be a healthy practice. Part of recovering is being able to accept not only your illness but accept responsibility for the things you may have done while under the influence. Addictions that go untreated will wreak havoc on a number of interpersonal and professional relationships.

However, being able to apologize and make amends for those acts is a major step in the right direction of self-growth. Even if others do not forgive right away, being able to take that step for yourself is important for your personal development and recovery.

Hawaiian teachings can help you to learn to forgive others and that holding onto grudges only hurts you. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiin practice of forgiveness and repentance, a practice that is essential for you to be balanced and whole with yourself.

President of The Empowerment Partnership in Hawaii, Matthew James, Ph.D., breaks down the word by explaining that “ho’o,” meaning to make, and “pono,” meaning right. In the term ho’oponopono, pono is repeated, meaning that practicing forgiveness and repentance is important for making things rights with others and yourself. Traditional recovery programs may often reference the importance of making amends, but what about the importance of making amends with yourself?

Recovery can be a trying and difficult process, and harboring ill-will towards yourself and others makes it more difficult. It is imperative to make things right with others, but be sure to be kind and forgiving to one’s self as well. It’s the only way to truly move forward and beyond the mistakes of your past.

What Else Can We Learn from Ho’oponopono?

Ho’oponopono is not just an ancient Hawaiin teaching that helps people practice forgiveness and repentance. It is also an ancient method of reducing stress and clearing negative energy out of our atmospheres. In conjunction with modern-day scientific and evidence-based treatments, ho’oponopono gives you a way to heal, cope with stressful challenges, and apply spiritual practices and counseling that are essential for recovery.

Due to the multi-layered nature of addiction, you should always be mindful of the complexities of the disease. Addiction can be affected by an array of factors including psychological, biological, and environmental. For that reason, medical and therapeutic treatment and intervention are necessary. Treatment, especially in the initial stages, uses clinical modalities that can be life-saving. However, they are not always practical methods for long-term recovery. At their core, Hawaiin cultural practices, practices like ho’oponopono, teach the holistic methods that benefit recovery.

Other Practical Uses of Hawaiin Teachings

The cultural history, practices, and teachings that you learn through your time at The Ohana can be applied to your daily life in addition to your recovery. An example of this is mediation, which allows you to connect with your belief in divine energy to remedy any problems that may befall you whether related to recovery or in general.

You will also learn effective practices for conflict resolution. Conflict can be toxic but is also unavoidable. Being able to handle it healthily and practically will make solving future problems and relatively smoother transition. You can also gain the chance to focus your time and energy on practicing self-realization and consulting your inner conscience. Treatment is a time of great self-reflection, and learning to stop and reexamine your actions, is another crucial technique for handling the stresses of the future.

Despite the fact that some of the teachings and techniques you learn during your time with us may be older practices, that is not to say that they are any less prevalent today. There are many values and practices that would make life more calm and peaceful overall if more simply implemented or even educated themselves.

Take advantage of your time at The Ohana to learn life-changing practices from the history of the culture that surrounds you. Doing so may just be the thing that gets you through treatment and offers your a long-term recovery throughout your life.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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