How Do I Know If I Have Trauma?

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psychological trauma

Trauma can alter the very fabric of our existence, leading to mental health issues, substance use disorder, and a profound disconnection from ourselves and those around us.


If you’re experiencing symptoms of trauma, like overwhelming emotions, haunting memories, or a sense of disconnection, you’re not alone. Many people silently grapple with the invisible yet profound impact of trauma. PTSD and trauma can manifest in restless nights, jarring flashbacks, or disassociation from the world around you. Below, we’ll discuss some of the symptoms of trauma that may indicate the need for professional help.

psychological trauma

Understanding Trauma

Psychologists tend to categorize trauma into “Big T” and “Little t” trauma. 


“Big T” trauma refers to traumatic events that are typically life-threatening or pose a serious threat to one’s physical or psychological integrity. Examples include natural disasters, war, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults. On the other hand, “Little t” trauma involves less severe but still distressing events that impact an individual’s emotional well-being. These can include events like divorce, job loss, or minor accidents. While “Big T” traumas are often recognized for their potential to cause PTSD, “Little t” traumas can also have significant, cumulative effects on mental health.

Some Experience Don’t “Seem Traumatic”

In Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, a classic work on trauma, author Peter Levine notes that trauma is highly individual, and what may be traumatizing for one person might not be for another. Levine explains that when people experience trauma, they often develop coping mechanisms as a way to survive. These mechanisms are crucial during the trauma but might not be helpful in the long run. Therefore, as part of the healing process, it’s important for individuals to modify or evolve these coping strategies to better support their recovery and well-being. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Trauma

Trauma can manifest in various ways, and its impact differs from person to person. However, there are common symptoms of PTSD or trauma that may indicate the need for professional help:


Re-experiencing Symptoms: These include flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event. They can be intense, making you feel like you’re reliving the trauma.


Avoidance Symptoms: You might find yourself avoiding places, people, or activities that remind you of the traumatic experience, often leading to a sense of isolation.


Hyperarousal Symptoms: This can look like being easily startled, feeling tense, having difficulty sleeping, or experiencing angry outbursts.


Negative Changes in Thoughts and Mood: Trauma can lead to negative thoughts about oneself or others, feelings of hopelessness, memory problems, and difficulty maintaining close relationships.


Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, and chronic pain can also be signs of underlying trauma.

The Path to Healing

At The Ohana, we recognize the courage it takes to even begin acknowledging these experiences. Here, we’re committed to providing a sanctuary for healing, where your journey towards recovery is nurtured with the utmost care and respect. Our luxury drug rehab and luxury alcohol rehab programs are designed to provide a safe and tranquil environment for recovery, integrating trauma-informed care into our approach.

Professional Help Matters

Why Professional Help Matters

If you recognize any of the above symptoms in yourself, it’s important to consult with a professional. Trauma, especially when left unaddressed, can lead to a range of complications, including substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and relationship issues. Professional trauma treatment offers:


Expert Guidance: Trained professionals can help you understand and process your experiences in a safe and supportive environment.


Personalized Treatment: Everyone’s experience with trauma is unique. Professional care provides personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs.


Supportive Community: Being part of a community that understands and supports your journey is invaluable. At The Ohana, we foster a nurturing community atmosphere.


Holistic Healing: We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our approach integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.


Recognizing and acknowledging trauma in oneself can be a profound yet challenging realization. At The Ohana, we’re dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to guide you through your healing journey. Remember: trauma does not define you, and seeking help is a courageous step towards reclaiming your life.


If you suspect you have trauma, we encourage you to reach out to a professional for support.

About The Ohana

Don’t rule out luxury rehab just because of potential costs. Learn more about Ohana by reaching out to our admissions team and starting the process. We’re here to make it easy and financially accessible for you to heal, grow, and live the life of your dreams. 

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes

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