Living Outside of the Treatment Bubble

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Some find it difficult to differentiate between treatment and post-treatment. Especially after spending a significant amount of time in a treatment facility, it can be challenging to step out of the bubble and fully embrace recovery as a new adventure. 

Treatment and recovery are very distinct chapters in your journey. Understanding this is important for yourself, but also important for educating others. The words treatment and recovery are frequently mistaken as the same process, but they are not the same. Treatment is part of recovery, but recovery is comprised of more than just treatment. By learning to understand the difference, you’ll begin to enjoy the work you’ve done during treatment to embrace the new you in your recovery.

Addiction Treatment Differences From Recovery

Addiction treatment may follow a similar pattern for residents across different facilities. However, no addiction treatment journey is the same. Some people respond better to certain treatments rather than others. Treatments come in all different shapes and sizes and last for all lengths of time. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex chronic mental disorder, and treatment is most effective as a long-term process. This sometimes requires constant monitoring.

Some treatment plans will also make use of medications. Your doctor, therapist, or other medical professional will determine the effectiveness of the medication and if it will benefit your treatment. Medications are specifically used with managing uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. Managing withdrawal is crucial to breaking free from addiction.  

In addition to constant monitoring, addiction treatment is also effective in conjunction with multiple interventions and evidence-based approaches to treatment. That might include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and several other forms of psychotherapy. Treatment varies based on the person and the substance they are dependent on. That’s why an individualized treatment plan is essential.

A one-size-fits-all approach does not usually yield success in addiction treatment. The first step to successful treatment is for your therapist to get to know you and your needs better, which happens early in treatment. For example, at The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center, we work with clients to create a treatment plan tailored to their needs and their struggles with SUD. The success rates of those who have individualized treatment plans are much higher. All these steps and approaches to treatment are important, but they’re just the first step in your journey towards long-term recovery.

How Recovery Differs From Addiction Treatment

These methods of addiction treatment may be familiar to you. Treatment is a good time to learn what does and doesn’t work for you. Hopefully, you’ve made use of a relapse prevention program during your time in treatment too. Relapse prevention is typically where you begin putting what you’ve learned during treatment into practice. There are a lot of challenges people face when transitioning back into everyday life, which you may be experiencing right now. It’s important to remember that these growing pains are completely normal. You’re learning to readjust to not only your return to your everyday life, but you’re learning to adjust to your newfound life of recovery.

Sometimes, people in recovery find their way back into a treatment program. Unfortunately for many, relapse is part of their recovery journey. This is not meant to scare or discourage you, it’s simply to inform you of the risks. The beauty of seeking treatment with The Ohana is that we continue to be a resource of support to clients long after they’ve left. We focus on connecting clients with local resources and mental health professionals and are always just a phone call away. If you’re in need of more support, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Ohana today.

So, How Do We Live Outside the Treatment Bubble?

Those of us struggling with addiction must come to terms with the fact that it is a chronic disorder. Despite this chronic nature, treatment is not forever. Treatment is just one step towards living a life of recovery. Sure, there will be triggers or risks of relapse, but we need to learn to function and thrive outside of the treatment bubble. That means learning to find our footing, being confident in our relapse prevention plan, and taking all necessary steps towards maintaining our recovery. Living outside of the treatment bubble means recognizing recovery for what it is – a beautiful process of transformation into a life free from active addiction.

It’s normal to struggle. Learning to live outside the treatment bubble takes time. The more you become comfortable with your recovery, the more confidence you’ll gain in yourself. Recovery doesn’t mean you don’t need support, and it doesn’t mean you’re on your own. It means accepting help and transforming your life to be free of active addiction. In doing so, you’ll be changing your life for the better. Don’t let fear of leaving the bubble hold you back. Embrace the new challenge and your recovery adventure.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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