How to Handle the Pressure of Being a Single Parent in Recovery

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Upon returning to everyday life post-treatment, many will be returning to the pressures of single parenthood. Treatment is the perfect time to learn how to handle single parenthood during recovery. It’s completely normal to struggle with finding balance. 

Entering recovery will come with challenges. That includes integrating back into everyday life, getting reacclimated with work life, and doing all this while focusing on parenthood. Remember, you are only human. We all have our limits. We at The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center hope that you can continue feeling supported throughout your recovery. The Ohana offers so much more than recovery programs. We offer a family of support. If you are struggling with the pressures of being a single parent in recovery, remember the importance of a support system and that The Ohana has your back through it all. 

Common Pressures Single Parents Face

Single parenthood is very common but no less stressful. Being solely responsible for a household, children, and financial responsibilities is a lot of pressure for any one person. You may feel overwhelmed by maintaining a job, caring for one child, or multiple children, and keeping up with bills, not to mention maintaining your home. You may also experience financial instability or a lack of resources, which can add to the stress. Common stresses you may experience as a single parent include: 

  • Dealing with the stress of a breakup if single parenthood is new

  • Spending less time with your children than you would like 

  • Lack of social support from friends or family 

  • Dealing with problems related to custody arrangements 

  • Feeling trapped and unable to seek help due to being the sole source of income

These struggles are normal, and you should not feel ashamed for needing help. Nowadays there are more programs designed to help people who are the sole providers for a household. That includes online treatment programs and more flexible outpatient programs. Residents can receive the same quality treatment but from the comfort of their own homes. This allows single parents to continue working and supporting their families while also seeking treatment. 

The Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Programs for Single Parents

Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are perfect for single parents seeking treatment. This type of program does not require residents to stay at a treatment facility. Residents may receive treatment virtually or be attending therapy sessions at the facility, but to continue with their careers and return home every day to be with their family. This treatment option may include programs for relapse prevention and individual or group therapy. 

IOPs are typically useful when transitioning back into daily life. It is most common for residents to complete inpatient stays and then transition into an IOP. Though this is not the case for everyone. Many will begin with a virtual IOP program, which is the perfect opportunity for single parents to embark on their recovery journey and seek the help they need. Unfortunately, there are some instances in which a complete disconnect from everyday life is necessary for recovery. 

Focusing on a Recovery Plan Post Treatment

The key to a successful transition from treatment to recovery is creating a recovery plan. This plan will include actions to take and tools that you will need to maintain your recovery. Everyone’s plan is different, but there are a few things in particular that can help. 

For starters, continuing to go to therapy is essential for maintaining recovery and handling the pressures of single parenthood. The Ohana can connect you with a mental health professional in your area. Therapy sessions will provide a safe space for you to discuss your struggles and come up with potential solutions to problems you may face. 

You will also benefit from access to local resources. The Ohana can also help with this by finding resources in your area that will help you to maintain your recovery. These may include support groups like alcoholics anonymous or resources for single parents. 

Additionally, connections are integral for successful recovery. Addiction and substance use disorders are incredibly isolating, and too much time alone can be detrimental to recovery. You must have a support group, whether it consists of people from your local support meeting or individuals you connected with at The Ohana. 

Finding Family at The Ohana

At The Ohana, we prioritize creating connections amongst our residents. These connections are instrumental in maintaining long-term recovery. You may connect with another single parent during your time with us, and find someone to relate to. Not only will you connect through your shared struggles, but you’ll have one more person in your support network who truly understands the pressures of being a single parent in recovery. 

If you are struggling with addiction and the pressures of single parenthood, know that you are not alone. Reach out to The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center. We can help you start your recovery adventure today.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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