Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good?

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Why Do Addicts Relapse

Addiction recovery is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and setbacks. One of the most perplexing phenomena facing those in recovery and their loved ones is when an addict relapses when things are seemingly going well. 


Why do addicts relapse when things are good? This article delves into the complexities of addiction, examines the psychological underpinnings of relapse, and offers insights into the path of recovery.

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Understanding the Nature of Addiction

Addiction is a multifaceted disease, characterized by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. Addiction affects the brain’s wiring, altering the way we experience pleasure, make decisions, and control impulses. This means that recovery isn’t just about abstaining from substance use—it’s about rewiring and healing the brain, a process that takes time and resilience.

What Is a Relapse in Addiction?

A relapse in addiction is when an individual struggling with substance abuse returns to using drugs or alcohol after a period of abstinence. It is often viewed not as a failure, but as a common part of the recovery process, signaling the need for adjusted treatment or support strategies. Relapse highlights the chronic nature of addiction. It’s important to remember that recovery is a continuous, lifelong journey that requires ongoing commitment and often multiple attempts to achieve and maintain sobriety.

When Is Relapse Most Likely?

Relapse is most likely during periods of high stress, significant life changes, or when faced with emotional triggers such as anxiety, depression, or even celebrations and social gatherings. The early stages of recovery are particularly vulnerable times, as individuals are still developing coping mechanisms to handle cravings and emotional stressors. However, relapse can occur at any stage of recovery, underscoring the importance of ongoing support, vigilance, and the use of coping strategies to navigate life without returning to substance use.

The Paradox of Good Times: Factors that Contribute to Relapse

Why do addicts relapse when things are good? Let’s examine some of the factors that contribute to relapse.

Emotional Triggers

While it’s intuitive to associate relapse with negative life events and stress, positive experiences can also act as triggers. Good times often bring celebrations, social gatherings, and a sense of relaxation, all of which can present opportunities and temptations to use substances. Also, positive emotions can sometimes be overwhelming, leading individuals to seek out familiar coping mechanisms, including substance use, to moderate their emotional state.

Complacency in Recovery

Success and positive developments in life can sometimes lead to complacency in the recovery process. Individuals may feel overconfident in their ability to control their substance use or believe that they no longer need support services, meetings, or therapy. This overconfidence can erode the foundation of their recovery, making them vulnerable to relapse.

The Role of Stress

Interestingly, positive life changes, such as starting a new job, entering a new relationship, or achieving a personal goal, can also introduce stress. Even though these are positive developments, they require adjustments and can provoke anxiety about the possibility of failure or the pressures of maintaining success. For someone in recovery, this stress can reignite the desire to escape into substance use.

Why Do Addicts Relapse

All of these factors and more play into understanding the question, why do addicts relapse when things are good?

How Many Times Do Addicts Relapse Before Quitting Successfully?

The journey to recovery from addiction varies, which makes it challenging to pinpoint a person’s exact number of relapses before successfully getting sober. Research suggests that relapse rates for substance use disorders are similar to those of other chronic illnesses, with estimates indicating that approximately 40% to 60% of individuals may relapse at least once during their recovery process. However, it’s crucial to understand that each relapse can serve as a learning opportunity, guiding adjustments in treatment and coping strategies. Success in recovery is deeply personal and can involve multiple attempts.

Strategies for Sustaining Addiction Recovery

Here are five strategies for continuing on the path of recovery and pressing on after relapse:

Continuous Support

Maintaining regular contact with support groups, counselors, and peers in recovery is crucial. These networks provide not only a safety net during challenging times but also a source of encouragement and accountability during good times.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Learning and practicing healthy coping strategies for dealing with both positive and negative emotions is essential. This can include meditation, exercise, creative hobbies, or seeking support from trusted individuals.


Cultivating self-awareness through mindfulness practices can help individuals recognize their emotional states and triggers. By understanding what feelings or situations may lead to cravings, they can proactively manage these triggers.

Setting Realistic Expectations

It’s important to acknowledge that recovery is a lifelong process. Setting realistic expectations about the challenges and acknowledging that setbacks can be part of the journey can help mitigate feelings of failure or frustration that might lead to more relapse.

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How to Help an Addict Who Relapsed

Supporting someone who has relapsed involves a delicate balance of compassion, encouragement, and practical assistance. Approaching the situation with empathy and without judgment is crucial, as negative reactions can exacerbate feelings of guilt and isolation. Encourage the individual to seek professional help and offer to be there, whether by accompanying them to meetings or just listening. Depending on the severity and extent of the relapse, it may be helpful to enroll in a treatment program, like The Ohana’s rehab in Hawaii.

It’s important to remind them that relapse is not indicative of failure, but rather a hurdle in the long journey of recovery. By reinforcing the belief in their ability to overcome this setback with the right support and resources, you can help illuminate the path back to recovery with hope and understanding.

Navigating the Path Forward

So, why does an addict relapse, especially when things seem to be going well? Addiction is extremely complex, and many surprising things can trigger a relapse. However, through continuous support, self-awareness, and the development of healthy coping mechanisms, individuals can navigate the highs and lows of life while maintaining their path toward recovery. Remember, recovery is not always linear, but with perseverance, resilience, and the right support, it is possible to lead a fulfilling life free from the grip of addiction.

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According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in 2023, scientists combed through genomic data of over one million people and identified genes
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