PTSD Treatment in Hawaii


Nearly everyone will experience a traumatic event in their life – whether they experience it directly or bear witness. Most often people recover from the trauma over a relatively short amount of time. However, this isn’t always the case. The National Comorbidity Survey Replication found that 6.8% of the US adult population suffers from post traumatic stress disorder – a disorder in which individuals have a difficult time recovering from a traumatic event. At The Ohana we help you recover and get back to truly living your life.


Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs when an individual is unable to recover from a traumatic event that they either experienced or witnessed. We often hear about PTSD in relation to war veterans, but PTSD can, and does occur outside of the battlefield. For example, an individual may experience PTSD after a car accident. They may have flashbacks to the traumatic event whenever they try to drive a car again. They may even find it unbearable to be a passenger.

People may experience PTSD from a variety of incidents including (but not limited to):

  • Sexual assault
  • Sports injury
  • Car wreck
  • Unexpected death of a loved one
  • Physical and/or mental abuse
  • Combat

It is still not entirely clear why some people experience PTSD after a traumatic event while other don’t. Some factors that may play a role are a person’s support network, coping strategies, and overall mind-body awareness during and after the event.

Regardless of a person’s resiliency and network, it is still important that they fully process the event in order to increase their ability to heal from it.



Like most mental health disorders, people may experience PTSD differently. Some may sleep soundlessly through the night while others suffer night terrors. Similarly, some may become easily aroused and frightened while others dissociate and appear numb wherever they go.


Living with post traumatic stress disorder can feel limiting at best, and extremely frightening at worst. Relationships may be impacted as the sufferer feels isolated and not understood by others who did not experience the event. Additionally PTSD can impact a person’s ability complete daily tasks, including maintaining consistent employment.

Various treatment methods can be successful in treating PTSD. Psychotherapy, and specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to help individuals process their trauma and get back to thriving. Pairing psychotherapy with medication can also be beneficial in helping the individual process the traumatic event.

Additionally, holistic therapies like meditation and mindfulness practices can help the sufferer learn to be present and become aware of things that make them feel safe (like taking a deep breath).

Another great practice for sufferers of PTSD are mind-body practices such as yoga that help move stored trauma physically through the body. At The Ohana our clients have the opportunity to try out various healing modalities and mix and match those that they find most beneficial.


PTSD and Co-occurring Disorders

PTSD has a high comorbidity with other mental and behavioral health disorders. Nearly 80% of people diagnosed with PTSD also have another psychological condition. Experts believe that the same genetic and environmental factors that increase susceptibility to PTSD also increase the likelihood of these other disorders. Additionally, people with PTSD often withdraw from the outside world to avoid triggers. This can increase loneliness and isolation, which are both risk factors for mood and anxiety disorders.


Depression and substance use disorder are two of the most common co-diagnoses for PTSD. People with PTSD are also at elevated risk of developing phobias and social anxiety.


When To Seek Treatment for PTSD

Since there is often a delay between the traumatic situation and the emergence of symptoms, many people do not realize they have PTSD. Severe PTSD can generate flashbacks and nightmares that are so intense that people cannot manage their day-to-day responsibilities.

People in this situation may limit their travel or stop leaving their homes altogether. They may develop insomnia, causing their sleep quality to suffer. Flashbacks can also cause hypervigilance, which can cause extreme irritability and unpredictable behaviors. PTSD may also trigger suicidal thoughts.

If you or someone you love is experiencing any of these symptoms, consider a stay at The Ohana for PTSD treatment in Hawaii.

The Ohana

Why Choose The Ohana for PTSD Treatment?

As PTSD is a co-occurring diagnosis in people grappling with many types of addictions, the Ohana offers PTSD treatment in Hawaii at its luxurious, state-of-the-art rehab facility.

The Ohana, one of the leading PTSD treatment centers in Hawaii, specializes in treating clients with a dual diagnosis of substance use disorder and mental health issues. Trauma-informed principles are deeply embedded in our treatment approach. We acknowledge the causes and effects of trauma on recovery and deliver holistic therapies that promote healing in body, mind, and spirit. Our compassionate experts work closely with clients to process their difficult emotions, recover from trauma bonding, and reframe negative thought and behavior patterns.

Cost & Insurance Coverage for PTSD Treatment in Hawaii

PTSD is generally treated through psychotherapy, medication, and holistic modalities. Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment in Hawaii often incorporates nature-based activities which are proven to lower anxiety and vigilance. The cost of PTSD treatment depends on a client’s individual treatment plan. A typical 4- to 6-week stay at a Hawaii PTSD treatment facility may cost upwards of $15,000.

People that have been experiencing PTSD symptoms such as intrusions, hypervigilance, and avoidance for over a month can receive an official diagnosis for the disorder. In this case, many insurance companies will cover treatment costs such as counseling and inpatient care. Individuals with a co-occurring substance use disorder can also receive partial or full coverage for addiction services like detox, residential care, and outpatient treatment.


FAQs About PTSD Treatment

Most people experience a reduction in PTSD symptoms after two or three months of treatment. In the case of a dual diagnosis, treating the substance disorder can lengthen treatment time. The detoxification process can last anywhere between 48 hours to over a week. The average duration of an inpatient stay is 60 days, but some people need more time to stabilize and recover. Receiving PTSD treatment in Hawaii at a reputable facility like The Ohana can reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Since the disorder’s symptoms are highly debilitating, few cases of PTSD are left untreated. Instead, people with the disorder attempt to self-medicate with drugs and/or alcohol. This can lead to addiction, misuse, and overdose. Long-term substance abuse can also cause serious health conditions, such as liver failure, organ damage, and heart problems. 


Untreated PTSD can make it difficult to form and maintain relationships. People may lose their source of social support, increasing their risk of developing other mental health problems.  Without intervention, PTSD can progress into psychosis, a condition in which people lose touch with reality. This can lead to hospitalization and a loss of independence.

Yes. With treatment, around half of people with PTSD will stop experiencing symptoms. While the memory of the trauma doesn’t go away entirely, it can be transformed into a source of meaning and healing. Many people develop what is known as post-traumatic growth (PTG). Outcomes for PTG include a renewed appreciation for life, better and deeper relationships, and increased resilience.

Even after treatment, many people with PTSD will experience symptoms again at some point in their lives. However, The Ohana’s holistic treatment approach ensures that clients develop habits, routines, and coping strategies that mitigate symptom intensity and make PTSD relapse more manageable.