Executive Treatment and Clinical Modalities

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Individuals who are in c-suite, executive, or general leadership roles may feel that they are caught between a rock and a hard place when seeking treatment. Many are more familiar with treatment programs that are inpatient, rigid, and do not allow for communication with the outside world. While programs like that may have good intentions behind wanting to get off those lines of communication during the treatment process, we at The Ohana Addiction Treatment Center know how much careers mean to those who have worked tirelessly to get where they are today. 

If you are wondering how you can seek freedom from active addiction while maintaining your career, The Ohana has just the program for you. Our Executive Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, and several clinical modalities will effectively transform your life into a life of recovery while keeping your career intact. Seeking treatment does not have to mean putting everything you have worked for on hold – consider one of The Ohana’s addiction recovery programs today.

Executive Treatment

Our purpose for implementing this treatment program is because we know the ramifications that may come from having to leave a position, take a leave of absence, or completely abandon a company altogether. While the stresses of work can lead to substance use, losing everything one has worked for can make that substance use much worse. The goal of our program is to allow you to seek treatment without first hitting rock bottom. Our professionals will work with you to create an individualized treatment program that is flexible and supportive for your recovery and career.

Some of the amenities that make Executive Treatment possible at The Ohana include access to technology, private spaces for you to safely explore recovery and continue your work, and the natural luxuries of the island itself. Our amenities are not the only things that make our program so effective. Our staff of highly capable professionals put everything into the treatment of our clients. In addition to creating an individualized plan of care for you, their implementation of world-class therapies and clinical modalities make an unorthodox program like this possible.

Our Clinical Modalities

The clinical modalities you experience during your time at The Ohana will be dependent on your individualized treatment plan. This begins through assessments that allow us to get to know you and identify your needs to achieve recovery. Your treatment plan will surely feature traditional treatment methods such as individual and family counseling, but it may also include medical and holistic approaches to treatment. Holistic treatments address things that factor into addiction, such as lack of sleep, poor diet, or severe emotional stress. Combining these holistic approaches and clinical modalities makes long-term recovery even more possible while teaching the tools needed for handling non-clinical factors affecting your addiction or recovery. 

Some of the clinical modalities that may be implemented into your treatment include:

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): an evidence-based practice that can help clients to achieve emotional regulation, tolerate distressing situations, and teach the tools needed in creating boundaries in interpersonal relationships. This modality can be implemented through mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal skills.

  • Psychodynamic Therapy: focuses on ages, stages, and family systems. The goal is to understand how the client became who they are and identify any developmental tasks that still need to be worked through. It is mainly implemented through methods that create a space of exploration between you, your therapist, potential groups, and by increasing self-awareness. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): is commonly implemented in many treatment programs. It focuses on how thoughts and emotions influence behavior. The goal is to help clients interrupt thinking patterns in a way that changes their behaviors.  

  • Ecopsychology: this unorthodox treatment is a nature-based therapy. The goal is to treat clients by connecting them to nature, reducing stressors, and improving overall physical and emotional well-being.

To learn more about the effectiveness of combining clinical modalities and holistic treatment into our executive program, we encourage you to head to our website or reach out to The Ohana for more information.

Why Choose The Ohana

Observations from recent years indicate that people in leadership and executive roles may be at an increased risk for addiction. For executives, CEOs, or people in the c-suite, leaving your job even temporarily can have many ramifications and cause your business to suffer. At The Ohana, you will not have to choose between continuing to grow your business or career and seeking freedom from addiction.

Ready to Get Your Recovery Journey Started? Contact us Today!

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